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2020-10-31 16:43来源:


Literature Hundred Flowers Garden

Beijing Penpals Club Soliciting Contributions


China's unified serial number of Literature Hundred Flowers Garden: cn41-0019.


Literature Hundred Flowers Garden Beijing Penpals Club special issue is now soliciting contributions from pals all over the country:


Scope of solicitation: poetry, prose, novel, reportage, biography, literary review, photography, song, calligraphy, fine art, and other literary works.


There are 1 Gold Award, 3 Silver Awards, and 9 Contemporary Power Awards for each group set up from the submitted contributions. The winners will be invited to participate in the activities organized by Beijing Penpals Club and be awarded certificates and trophies.


Time for Solicitation Contributions: from now to December 30, 2020.


Requirements: The works can be submitted by WeChat, email, or express mail, and the mailed works must be printed on A4 paper. Every entry should be accompanied by a brief introduction of the author including the author's real name, phone number, WeChat, and detailed contact address.


Note: the application work must be the original work of the author. No plagiarism, no infringement of third party copyright or other intellectual property rights, and no other infringement. Once the work is adopted, the copyright, modification right, communication right, use right, and all related derivative rights shall belong to the special issue of Literature Hundred Flowers Garden, and the author shall enjoy the right of authorship. All submissions will not be returned. Please keep your own manuscripts.


Address for submissions: Building 4, Shuncheng Jiayuan, Chengguan Street, Fangshan District, Beijing, deputy editor of the special issue of Literature Hundred Flowers Garden: Fuzi, 18511485193, the same number on WeChat. Email: 2397521278@qq.com.




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